We ask you to read the material below. The material will include "deep thought", our key words (definition), scripture (link - please read) and some general thoughts and video(s). We ask you to read all material and then comment in the comments section. Share one key thought or concept that came to you and how it will make a difference.
Stewardship of Creation
Bible Text:
Genesis 1:28–31; 3:17–20; Psalm 148; Romans 8:18–25; Revelation 5:11–14; 22:1–5
Lesson Focus:
We are called to help take care of God's creation.
Big Question:
With all the problems facing the environment, what can one person really do?
Key Words:
Definitions of Key Words
CREATION: God's loving, wise, and powerful action to bring everything into being for the good of all and the glory of God.
STEWARDSHIP: taking good care of something that doesn't belong to you as though it were your very own.
PRAISE: to rejoice in the worth of something or someone; to lift up the name of God with love and gratitude by our every thought, word, and action.
Lesson Highlights
God created the world and all that is in it, and it was good (Genesis 1:31).
God gave humans dominion over creation (Genesis 1:28–30).
Nature and the whole universe bear witness to their Creator (Psalm 148).
When we look at the creation, we are reminded of how much God loves us (Psalm 8).
Because of sin, not just humans but all of creation now has a broken relationship to God (Genesis 3:17–20).
All of creation, just like all people, yearns for redemption (Romans 8:18–25).
We look forward to a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 5:11–14).
Because we have been redeemed in Christ Jesus, we work with God to bring about the new heaven and the new earth.
Stewardship of creation is an integral part of the Christian faith.
Please watch the video on creation. The first part is talking about God creating, the second part deals with all that is wrong in the world and us asking why. The third part is individuals saying, here am I send me.
Are you willing to be sent ?