On December 11th, we had a lesson on the wilderness to land (the wandering in the wilderness). Please take time to read the scripture, highlights and the video and in the comment section; answer the big question.
Wilderness to LandBible Text: Exodus 16:1–15Joshua 24:14–18Deuteronomy 6:4–9Lesson Focus:We should focus our lives on God.
Big Question:I have so many important things in my life; why should I focus on God?
Definition of Key WordsPROVIDE: to supply or give what is needed to meet or sustain one's needs.
OBEDIENCE: complying with the guidelines that have been given to you.
FAITHFULNESS: allegiance and loyalty, especially to God, family, and friends.
PROMISE: a pledge or declaration that one will do what is declared.
HighlightOnce out of Egypt, the people begin to grumble; God provides food for them.
The people worship the golden calf and so must wander in the wilderness for 40 years. During that time the Lord provides for them.
Moses is not allowed to enter the promised land, and Joshua becomes the new leader of the people.
The faithfulness of God in spite of the erratic behavior of God's people is a prominent theme in these stories.
Moses' audience for many of his sermons is a new generation of Israelites. Moses is concerned that they know the history of their ancestors and the history of God's direct involvement in their lives.
Moses preaches with the backdrop of the Exodus and his sight set forward to the fulfillment of the promise of a marvelous land for God's chosen people.
Moses, and later Joshua, expands and clarifies the law throughout the people's journey, always emphasizing the grace of the law that leads to the fulfilled life that God intends for the chosen people.
Deuteronomy 6:4–9, especially verses 4–5 (called the Shema), is foundational for Jews in a very profound way to this day. All obedience, it claims, flows out of a sense of love toward God and dependence on God.
ConnectingThis week, we watched two videos. One was a music connection and one was a movie connection. Here is the music video and some background:
Home By Daughtry
In this lesson, we learn that the Israelites are on a long journey to the promised land. Through Moses's many speeches, the people learn that their special relationship with God is based on love. The Israelites feel that the promised land is to be their home. Chris Daughtry sings about a journey home: a place where love is. Even though he is not always the best man, the love that abides at home is always there.
Debrief the movie clip with these questions:
• How does it feel to go home after a long journey?
• What do you consider "home"?