Thursday, October 28, 2010

ACTS: What Does It Mean ?

In the future, you will be hearing about ACTS. We are not trying to be "sacrilegious" but we will be using it (ACTS) as an acronym to describe a philosophy of ministry. We recognize that each student is at a different spot in their Christian walk and we want to gear ministry to each one of them. Here is a brief summary:


We want to attract students to Christ and to the ministry of Christ The Savior.


We want to connect students to God to to fellow students already connected to Christ The Savior.


We want students lives to transform into the likeness of Jesus Christ our Savior.


We want to send students out to be the hands and feet of Christ so we can influence our community and impact our world.

1 comment:

  1. Main goal was teach about Attacting,connect,transform,and send the message to the kids at Christ the Savior.

    Christian Z.
