Monday, November 8, 2010

Creed: Article One

Bible Text:
Genesis 1:1—2:25

Lesson Focus:
God's creative work in the world is ongoing.

Big Question:
How do we know God is still creating stuff today?

Key Words:

Key Word Definitions

CREATE: to make from nothing.

CREATION: all that exists; all that God has made.

SUSTAIN: to keep, preserve, and maintain.

EX NIHILO: Latin for "out of nothing."

STEWARDSHIP: responsibility for care and proper use.

Going Deep

Genesis records two accounts (1:1–2:4a and 2:4b–25) of God creating the heavens and the earth and their creatures. The first account focuses on God's speaking—God's word forming an orderly creation from chaos. God separates, for example, light from darkness, to create. The second, older account focuses more specifically on human beings and their relationship to the rest of creation. Human beings are formed from the dust of creation and are intended to care for creation. God is creator of all that is. The visible creation helps human beings understand the invisible, including God's "eternal power and divine nature" (Romans 1:20).

God's creation is fallen (Genesis 3). The entire sweep of history is moving to a final reconciliation of God and creation (Romans 8:19–25) in a new creation. This new creation is the aim of God's relationship with us and our relationship with God. God's creative power was not only in the beginning but continues (2 Corinthians 5:17). Finally, God's creative power will make all things new, a new heaven and a new earth (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Revelation 21:1–4).

Our Prayer

Leader: Creator God,
Group: You created me and all I have.
Leader: Creator God,
Group: You provide me daily with all I need for life.
Leader: Creator God,
Group: You made us all stewards of your creation.
Leader: Creator God,
Group: Help make us better stewards
Leader: So that where there is hunger, homelessness, and despair,
Group: There may be food and shelter and hope.
All: Amen.

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