Friday, September 2, 2011

Aug. 28th: Small Group (Creation)


Bible Text:
Genesis 1–2

Lesson Focus:
God has created us to reflect God's image as we actively participate in creation today.

Big Question:
What can I really do to make a difference in caring for creation?

Key Words:

Definition of Key Words

CREATE/CREATION: to bring into being; the environment or surroundings; a creature or a living being.

CHAOS: a state of utter confusion; the confused unorganized state of matter before the creation of distinct forms.

ORDER: the arrangement or sequence of objects or of events in time; to arrange by putting persons or things in relation to each other.

STEWARDSHIP: the careful and responsible management of the resources that have been entrusted to our care.


God is our creator and we are part of God's good creation.

The two biblical versions of the creation story help us explain who we are and whose we are; they are not meant to be read as scientific or historical fact.

God gave human beings a special place in creation that puts a heavy responsibility on them.

We are called to live in faithfulness to God the creator, in whose image we were created.


  1. God created nature and everything in it: people, sky, land, oceans, etc. The verses tell us about how everything was made from the creation of land and water, to the creation of people. Something that I thought was interesting was that one of the verses said that God made human beings to help take care of the birds, oceans, land, Earth and us as humans have failed to do what we were created to do. Some things I can do to make a difference in caring for creation is to clean up the sides of bodies of waters such as lakes, rivers, ponds. I can also help grow gardens, and plant trees. It does not have to be about the environment. It can also be about caring for a person and stand up for them if they are being bullied or teased because no one of God's creation deserves. we were sent to help others and that is why you cannot just stand by and not do anything about God's people.
    -Lizzy P.

  2. God created the heavens and the earth. He also created us in his own image. God has called upon us to be advocates for his glory. This is what the verses tell me.
    -Matt VanOsdol

  3. God is the creator of the earth, and he created it in his own image.

    - Joe Van Hoosen
